AR15 / AK47 Carbines: How A “Home Defense” Rifle Could Get You Killed

Find out why the best rifle for home defense might not be a “rifle” at all, and three ways it might actually get you KILLED!
MCS 252 – AR Pistol Tactics For Home Defense

I’m just going to say it right now… pistols SUCK. It’s not that you shouldn’t own one or that you shouldn’t carry
MCS 183 – Defending The AR-15 From The Ban!

Yes, the AR-15 is once again under attack! In the ongoing gun control debate, the AR consistently gets whacked the hardest as an
MCS 168: The Best Home Defense Handgun Plan To Defeat A Home Invasion

Do you own a handgun for home defense?If you don’t, I have some great tips on how to choose the ultimate home invasion defender!