Make Sure You Have At Least ONE Of These Weapons In Your Vehicle (At ALL Times!)

3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
Podcast 454: 7 “Less Lethal” Personal Defense Weapons

Carrying a gun is NOT enough. Maybe you can’t carry some places or maybe you just can’t get to your gun. You need a “less lethal” backup!
3 Everyday Carry Gear (EDC) “Back-Up Weapons” Every Survivalist Should Carry!

Right now, it’s a good idea to get “back to basics.” If life ever gets back to normal again (and especially if it doesn’t), you want to make sure you have some good back-up weapons on you.
MCS 133: My Top-5 Best Self-Defense Weapons For Everyday Carry

Yeah, yeah, yeah… of course you know I’m going to advise you to carry a firearm and a back-up blade for personal protection,
MCS 126: (Top 5) Worthless Weapons For Personal And Home Defense

Some “expert advice” can actually get you KILLED! Take the topic of “weapons for personal and home defense” for example… Can you guess