Collapse Q&A: The Biggest Mistakes Every Prepper Makes

Most of the conventional wisdom about survival is TOTALLY WRONG and won’t work in a real-life survival situation. Here’s what to do instead.
MCS 323 – Combination Survival Tools

Do-it-all survival tools often don’t do many things well. Here’s how to evaluate them.
MCS 263 – Bugout Gear I Just Threw Out

We all have lots of bugout gear, but there’s plenty of BOB equipment you’re carrying that you don’t need to. Here are five items you can ditch (and how to replace them with better choices).
MCS 233 – The “Survivalist Sniper”: Why Everyone Needs Long-Range Shooting Skills To Survive!

If you’ve never thought of being a sniper before, this podcast will give you 5 reasons to develop your “sniper skills” for a SHTF collapse!