Why The FBI’s “Active Shooter” Data Is A Big Fat Lie – And The TRUTH About The “Good Guy With A Gun”

What the TRUTH about armed citizens stopping active shooters dead in their tracks means for your training.
MCS 259 – Active Shooter Survival: Unconventional Active Shooter Defense & Response

Active shooters and active shooter defense are a reality of our modern world. Don’t believe it can’t happen to you. Learn unconventional responses to active shooters in this week’s podcast.
MCS 176: Open-Eyed Shooting Tactics With Chris Sajnog

Chris Sajnog On Open Eyed Shooting Tactics For A Real Gunfight!It’s a sad, sad fact… Much of the firearm skills being taught today
MCS 150: Active Shooter Defense Tactics

It’s happening more and more often… … a lone gunman, a “crazy” armed with a knife, or now even a coordinated attack by