3 Badass Make-Your-Own “Ninja Weapons” You Should Add To Your Survival Arsenal

Will you be “armed for the apocalypse”?
The Tactics From These 3 Legendary Myamoto Musashi Duels Will Make You Virtually Invincible On The Post-Collapse Battlefield

This legendary swordsman has some powerful lessons for you in defending during chaotic times!
Survival Weapons Showdown: Combat Machete Vs. Multiple Attackers!

Ok, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
After 2 Failed Attempts To Fight Back, Unarmed Father Sends 3 Armed Home-Invaders Running For Their Lives With The Only Real Weapon He Could Find…

What’s the best home defense weapon to defeat violent home invaders? The one you can get to the fastest – and this one did the trick!
Is The Gurkha’s Kukri The Best Survival Fighting Machete Ever? (Maybe NOT…)

The Gurkha’s Kukri machete is often considered the best machete for fighting. But the REAL winner for the best survival machete is revealed!
How To Make Your Own “Concealed Shoulder Sheath” For Your Self-Defense Survival Knife

Any big fixed blade, up to and including a MACHETE (the best weapon for urban survival), can be slung in a shoulder harness this way. Learn how in this post.
Machete Fighting: A Reader “Mind Tricks” A ROAD RAGER

A reader wrote to tell us about a “road rage” encounter… and how he almost had to use his go-to weapon, the machete! You won’t believe what he did to get out of it…
Combat Machete? Sword Fighting? The “Big Blade” Fail People Don’t Think About!

Do you love “fail” videos? Hilarious as this one is, there’s a lesson here about a big blade “fail” that the “fantasy preppers” out there don’t think about.
MCS 253 – Survival Machete Extreme CQC Tactics

The best survival machete extreme close quarters combat tactics are the ones that will put your attackers down quickly. To use the combat machete most effectively, you’ve got to know the most effective moves. This podcast will make you look at the fighting machete as you never have before.