A Simple Trick To Defeat An Ambush Attack By A Criminal Asking For Change
Criminals use distractions to ambush you. Massad Ayoob has a tip to defeat their ambush!
Sheepdog Concealed Carry Handgun Training Drills: Mastering Your Personal Defense Handgun
A lot of gun owners are overconfident in their abilities. But a paper target isn’t the same as some street thug ambushing you without warning as you’re putting groceries in the car. To prepare for THIS challenge, you’ve got to train in a way that’s safe… but that’s still going to give you a realistic sense of what it really takes to defend yourself in the chaos of a violent attack.
MCS 173 – Top 5 Concealed Carry Mistakes (And How To Fix Them NOW!)
We’re needed now more than ever…… responsibly armed “sheepdogs” who go about their day scanning for danger… and are ready to protect ourselves and