WL 388 – “Quiet Eye” Training For Defensive Shooting
It’s time to get the “secret code” to top-tier shooting… with the mad scientist of gunfight training, Mike Ox, in this week’s Warrior Life podcast.
WL 387 – Dry-Fire Secrets To Make Your Firearms Training More Fun And Effective
I don’t have to be psychic to know you aren’t dry-fire training as much as you should… and I’m about to DESTROY the top 5 myths that are stopping you from doing that training.
Taco Toolsday: 2-min review for BORING dry fire?
For Taco Toolsday this week, we review a product that makes “boring” dry fire fun and easy again! The video is just 2 minutes, so check it out now.
Taco Tuesday: We Review The Glock e-Trainer (In 59 Seconds)
We’re trying something new in this week’s Taco Toolsday… and I want to know if you like this new “less than a minute” video format! Leave your comment and let us know.
[Ammo Shortage] Cheap Gun Training Drill For “Mental Stress”
A real gunfight is nothing like plinking at paper targets at the range… but there’s a drill you can do with NO AMMO AT ALL that will better prepare you for the reality of a life-or-death shootout.
MCS 224 – Advanced Dry-Fire Tips For Tactical Firearms Training
Admit it…You’re not getting to the gun range as much as you “should be”, am I right? Hey, I get it… life is
MCS 143: Dry-Fire Exercise Vs. Moving Targets
You’re on your way to your car after picking up some milk at the local convenient store. Suddenly a man comes out of