WL 367 – Why Survivalists DIE
Survivalists and preppers are SUPPOSED to be the most ready to survive emergencies… but here are 5 categories of mistakes even experienced warriors make that get them KILLED in survival situations.
WL 366 – How To Join A “Knife Cult”
More people than you realize have “joined a cult” — but it’s not what you think!
[Toolsday] Media Want You To Fear The “Saturday Night Special” Of Knives
A knife first popularized among South African criminals because it was cheap remains strangely popular among some “knife people” today. In our Toolsday gear review, we talk about this knife and the type of knives it represents.
My Top 3 Dollar Store Weapons (Improvised Tools For NPEs)
We all deal with non-permissive environments, which means we might need to get creative and improvise weapons (especially when traveling). Here are 3 weapons you can find at a Dollar Store and make for just 6 bucks!
Taco Toolsday: We Review “The Knife That BROKE Wal-Mart”
For Taco Toolsday, we review the knife that you can’t seem to find in stock at any Wal-Mart… and explain just what happened to make this blade so popular.
Don’t Put This On Your Gun (Unless You Can Change My Mind)
Should you put vinyl “gun skins” on your gun? What do they do for you? Are they dangerous? I have some thoughts (and I wonder if you can change my mind)…
Pioneer Woman: The Knife That “Broke The Internet”
One of my favorite things to monitor on the Internet is “tactical fads.” These are trends and things that become popular in the
MCS 299 – 5 Reasons To Carry Cheap Knives
How afraid are you to lose or break the knife you carry? You might be surprised why we argue in favor of carrying a cheap knife in this week’s podcast.
MCS 289 – Pikal Fruit Knife Facts
The “Pikal Fruit Knife” is all the rage in certain knife fighters’ circles. Our own Buck Greene gives you just the facts in this week’s podcast.