Urban Escape And Evasion Mistakes Even Skilled Preppers Make
A lot of people are teaching escape and evasion these days, and for good reason. But you can’t afford to make these mistakes and get caught when you’re fleeing hostiles!
2020 Elections: Trump, Riots, Civil Unrest, Violent Protests, And How To Survive
Look, this isn’t pretty, but you need to hear it: Say you’re out walking with your family. You’ve got your wife with you,
Escape and Evasion: 3 Tips For Surviving (And Escaping) A Hostage Situation!
Hostage situations, kidnappings, and other escape and evasion scenarios present some unique concerns for the prepared citizen. Here are 3 tips to use if it happens to you!
MCS 268 – CIA EDC Gear Hacks
You will be the deciding factor in ANY emergency you face. Learn how to hedge your bets with CIA-proven gear for escape and evasion in this preview of the New World Patriot Alliance monthly masterclass.