[Freedom Friday] Now the USPS Is SPYING On Your Political Opinions?

A new report uncovered by Yahoo News, of all things, has exposed a government program that far overreaches the power this particular agency is supposed to have…
Hacker Defense: The Internet Fight Against Big Tech, Big Data, And Surveillance

Big Tech, Big Data, your government, and hackers of all kinds all want your identity. Learn to protect your data from EVERYONE who is looking to spy on you.
Big Tech Surveillance: Stop Facebook, Google, & Amazon From SPYING On You!

We all KNOW that Big Tech, and our government, are spying on us… but here’s a simple trick you can use to STOP that once and for all.
[Free Speech?] Leaked NSA Documents Show Best Way To Stay Anonymous

Your search history can be WEAPONIZED by Big Data, which flags you so the government can start prying into your business. The NSA’s own leaked documents teach us how to stay anonymous online and on the phone.
MCS Podcast 35: Digital Privacy Hacks With Gary Miliefsky

It’s no secret that you’re being spied on… right now… by at least 3 different sources you’re not even aware of. It could