This Unconventional Trick Stumps Even The Most Seasoned “Gun-Grabbers” From Taking Your Legally-Owned Firearms During A Disaster Or Other Crisis
This could possibly be the sneakiest trick of all time for keeping your guns from being confiscated in a crisis!
Proof: Just 1 Comment Can FIGHT For Your Gun Rights!
Last week on Freedom Friday, you made a difference when it comes to gun rights. Now I’m asking you to do it again when it comes to “ghost guns” and your Second Amendment freedoms.
Survival Firearms: Hiding Your Guns From Thieves, Looters & Martial Law Confiscation
Survival firearms are very important, but gun confiscation (gun bans) as well as looters, thieves, and government gun control schemes are a big threat. Learn how to preserve your rights and survive martial law.
Kiss Your Guns Goodbye? 6 Real Ways To Defeat “Gun Control Crisis 2021”
It’s coming folks! The government gun-grabbers have 2 years to ramrod through as many gun-control laws as they can before the next election.
WL 338 – How To Survive A SHTF Ammo Crisis
Think it’s hard to buy ammo NOW? You ain’t seen nothing yet! In a “real” collapse, some trigger event could cause ammo to become even MORE scarce. Here’s what to do about it.
Ghost Guns? Third World Soldiers In Fairy Wings Carry THIS Weapon
A funny thing happens among some of the soldiers of the third world: They dress up in outlandish costumes for one very specific reason. Read why – and learn why the weapon they all use simply cannot be stopped!
Improvised Survival Weapons: How To Protect Yourself When The Guns Are All Gone!
Your AR-15 can’t save you if it runs out of ammo, breaks, or gets confiscated. Kevin Reeve offers us some great tips on how to improvise weapons when firearms AREN’T an option.
MCS 115: Gun-Control Come-Backs!
Let’s face it… More and more of our constitutional rights are being attacked on a daily basis! Government eavesdropping on our private