Home Defense Tactics: A Risky Way To Save A HOSTAGE In A “Home Invasion” (That May Be Your ONLY Way To Survive)!

If home invaders break into your home and take a member of your family hostage, you may have to make a split second decision. That’s why I’m going to share a tactic that could help you save your loved one’s life if they have a weapon on them and you’re armed…
Tactical Home Defense: Home Invasion TRUTHS About Using “Cover” and Concealment

Tactical Home Defense: Home invasion truths about using cover and concealment for self-defense against home invaders may shock you. Read more from legendary expert Massad Ayoob here.
MCS 241 – Danger At The Door: Tactics For Defeating A Home Invasion

The #1 attack point for home invaders is your front door! Listen in as we discuss life-or-death home defense tactics to protect you and your family!
MCS Podcast #87: Surviving A Night Time Home Invasion With EJ Owens

It’s 2am and your spouse wakes you out of a sound sleep in a panic and says… …”Honey, I heard a noise!”