CCW Tactics For Concealed Carry Pistols: Are You Dirty Harry? Do You NEED To Be?
A lot of people sneer that certain rounds are too small to hurt you, while others say big rounds mean you’re “compensating for something.” Do you need to be Dirty Harry while carrying concealed? We talked to Peyton Quinn about stopping power!
MCS 168: The Best Home Defense Handgun Plan To Defeat A Home Invasion
Do you own a handgun for home defense?If you don’t, I have some great tips on how to choose the ultimate home invasion defender!
MCS Podcast #93: Handgun Stopping Power Secrets With Peyton Quinn
If you only have one shot to stop that gigantic thug charging at you in a parking lot with a knife in his
MCS Podcast 17: Handgun Stopping Power Secrets With Peyton Quinn
Stopping an attacker with a firearm is about much more than just buying a big gun and stuffing it full of big bullets.