WL 352 – Tacticool Re-Load Myth Buster

The “tactical reload” is taken for granted by a lot of CCW carriers AND trainers. There’s just one problem: It almost NEVER works as advertised! We explain why in this week’s podcast.
Tactical Shooting: Cop Gunfight Tips For “Terminator” Attackers

Attackers high on drugs or so full of adrenaline they won’t go down might seem like invincible, invulnerable “terminators.” Learn how one cop faced an attacker like this… and the lessons he took away from it.
MCS 228 – The Contact Shot For Close-Quarters Combat Gunfighting

MCS 228: The CQC “Contact Shot” | RSS.com Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode: 4 scenarios where the “contact shot” is the ONLY practical response to
MCS 131: 1 Training Tip To Shoot Fast & Accurate With A Handgun

Want to INSTANTLY shoot faster and more accurate with your handgun? Yeah, stupid question, right? Well in dozens of conversations with expert firearm