This One “Dirty Trick” Completely Changed How I Think About Targeting The Human Body In A Real Attack…
Dirty, nasty, rotten ways to use a pen to defeat a violent attacker – even in non-permissive environments!
Classic “Lady’s Weapon” Makes A 2022 Comeback (As A “Pothead Accessory”)
If everything old is new again, and there’s nothing new under the sun, you can write your own cliché while reading about how this “lady’s weapon” for decades ago is making a modern-day tactical comeback.
The 5 WORST “D.I.Y. Improvised Survival Weapons” For An SHTF World. . .
There are a lot of “fantasy prepper” weapon ideas out there. Here are 5 of the WORST of them, and why you shouldn’t be relying on these for self-defense when SHTF…