The End Of Post-Traumatic Stress Is Here TODAY! (Podcast 459)
Michael Cortina has developed a revolutionary new method of healing post-traumatic in a single one-hour session.
(Wayback Machine Video) 1 simple, easy fix for streetfight knockouts
You probably aren’t making this common streetfighting mistake, but if you are, it’s an easy fix!
Sneaky Tricks To Hide Your Guns And Other Survival Weapons When Forced To Evacuate In A Disaster
I want to tell you a story about the super-cool knife that was stolen (or “borrowed”) from me in 1988… and what this means for when YOU are bugging out with your own survival weapons.
(Video) Easy Solutions To SHTF Freakouts
Under stress, you’re going to make poor decisions. That means in any SHTF scenario, you need some simple tricks for stress relief, even when bugging out. Our latest Warrior Life TV video tells you the least you need to know to reduce stress during SHTF.
MCS 164: An Israeli Spec-Ops High-Stress Shooting Drill
What did you see the last time you went to the local gun range?My guess is that it was a line of shooters