How To Grow Your Own “Survival Medicine Cabinet”

When YOU are your family’s own doctor and pharmacist, will you have the right medicine on hand?
Every Survival Medicine Cabinet Needs This One Natural “Wonder Drug” From Mother Nature Herself…

In a world without medical care and prescription meds, this powerful “wonder drug” from Mother Nature could be a life-saver for you…
Survival Medicine: 4 Deadly Diseases Unleashed In A Disaster… And How To Treat Them!

It was the deadliest disaster since 1928… Hurricane Katrina hit an area of approximately 90,000 square miles and resulted in the displacement of
MCS 5 In 5 No. 4 – Joe “Dr. Bones” Alton (Medical Survival)

Our 5 In 5 podcast is back! Listen to Joe “Dr. Bones” Alton answer five survival medical questions in five minutes.
MCS 276 – Surviving With Medical Issues

Modern medicine has really helped us all — but so many of us are dependent on modern prescriptions and medical care that it makes some preppers worry about what they’ll do in a long-term emergency. Learn how to survive despite health issues in this week’s podcast.
Steal This Old “Frontier Survival Medicine Hack” When Forced To Be Your Own Doctor In A Crisis

Could THIS be the “miracle cure” you need when no doctors are available?
MCS Podcast 55: The Best Herbs For Survival Medicine With Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy

One of the hard realities you must face during a collapse is the potential loss of the emergency support we take for granted
MCS Podcast 005: Bug-Out Survival Medicine With Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy

C’mon, you didn’t really think you were going to have access to a doctor after zombies, robots, and vampires take over the Earth, right?
Bug Out Medicine – Taking Care Of Your “LPC’s”

Every soldiers knows that traveling for long distances on foot can really wreak havoc with your feet. When it comes to traveling on