Do This Weird 60-Second “Brain Drill” Before Shooting And See Instant Improvements At The Gun Range!
You’ll be amazed at how something so simple can have such crazy effects on your skill-development!
The “Alpha Secret” Used By Spec-Ops Soldiers To Master Any Gun Skill TWICE As Fast!
Could going to the gun range with your pistol actually be WORSE than if you didn’t go at all? Here’s how to DOUBLE your shooting speed and pull your shot-groups in TWICE as tight… all without leaving your house!
Firearm Defense: Retention – Close Quarters Weapons Training – Modern Combat and Survivial – In a close quarters battle home invasion or self defense against a gun fight scenario, firearm retention is critical. Don’t try
Dry Fire Handgun Drill: Shooting Moving Targets
Gun fights don’t happen at a stand-still. Your uninvited meth-addict house guest is going to be moving – trying to shoot YOU while