Picture this…
You’re hunkered down in your home as hurricane-force winds howl outside.
The power’s out, water’s rising, and chaos reigns in the streets.
Suddenly, there’s a loud knock at your door.
It’s not help – it’s armed officer is military gear, demanding you hand over your guns.
Sound far-fetched?
Think again…
Firearm-Confiscation By The Government Isn’t Some “Fantasy Threat” Reserved For “Gun Nuts” And…
You May Be Just One Crisis Away From Saying “Bye-Bye” To Your Guns When Tragedy Strikes!
In 2005, as floodwaters from Hurricane Katrina engulfed New Orleans, local law enforcement went door-to-door, confiscating firearms from shell-shocked residents.
Their justification?
“Public safety.”
But here’s the kicker…
When the post-disaster looting started and the thin veneer of civilization cracked, those same citizens were left defenseless against the predators who saw opportunity in the chaos.
See for yourself…
Now, fast-forward to today…
With “once-in-a-lifetime” storms now becoming an annual event and looting and civil unrest bubbling just beneath the surface, it may only be a matter of when – not “if” – history repeats itself.
And if they decide your guns are a “public safety risk,” your fancy gun safe might as well have a big red bow on it.
You see, in times of crisis, the government has broad emergency powers and it creates the “perfect storm” for local governments to swoop in and “temporarily” relieve you of your firearms.
And we all know how “temporary” government actions tend to be, right?
The good news is that there are some ways to hide your guns from authorities if the the scenario calls for it – but it’s not the way most people will tell you too…
Underground Bunkers And Buried PVC Pipes Aren’t The Answer, But…
Here’s One Sneaky Trick You Can Use To Keep Your Guns From Being Confiscated During Any Disaster, “Collapse”, Or Other Crisis…
When a disaster strikes and martial law creeps in to “protect” the local citizens, federal and local governments have access to all kinds of “legal loopholes” to confiscate your weapons.
That means that sometimes you have to be sneakier than the government to keep what you own out of the gun-grabbers’ hands when you get that knock on the door.
You see, it’s not about confrontation or playing hide-and-seek with your firearms – it’s about smart misdirection and leveraging the psychology of confiscators against them.
One of the sneakiest tricks to use is what I call the “Ghost Safe”…
Here’s how it works:
1. Set Up A “Decoy Safe”
Install a low-quality (ie. “cheap”) gun safe in an obvious, visible location such as in a bedroom closet or basement.
Add in a few inexpensive firearms that you don’t mind parting with.
These guns don’t even have to be operable and you can even use replicas and “black powder” guns.
The key is, the more firearms you can put in here, the better this trick will work.
2. Create Your “Ghost Safe” Location
Next, you want to establish a hidden, secondary storage area for your real arsenal.
Now this is where you have to get a bit creative, but if you use your imagination, you’ll find all kinds of hiding spots in your home right now.
For example, this could be a false wall at one end of a closet… a hidden space under your stairs… inside the bottom section of your couch (just tip it up and pull off part of the underlying cloth cover)… or other cleverly disguised storage space.
3. Play The Documentation Game
To really make this work, you want to maintain two sets of firearm records: one for your decoy guns, one for your real collection.
Keep them both in separate folders, putting your decoy gun records in your visible safe and your real records secured and hidden elsewhere.
This may seem like overkill to you, but the more you organized you look in your record-keeping, the more subliminal trust you’ll create with police or military personnel who may want to search your premises.
But here’s where it gets really clever…
4. Master The Art Of Misdirection
If authorities do come knocking – and if they ask you for your firearms – you want to put up a little bit of an objection.
Not so much that piss the officials off and trigger a hardcore “toss everything” search of your home… and not too little, possibly showing that may seem like you’re a little too willing to hand over your weapons.
Just express your concern about protecting your “only” firearms so that you can defend yourself and your family if things start getting bad outside your walls.
Ultimately, you’ll guide them to your “decoy safe” and open it for them to see your weapons – and of course, probably take them with them.
Just be sure to clearly show your dissatisfaction with their intrusion and ask for some kind of “receipt” for you to get them back when everything calms down.
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Now, this does bring up some other snafus that could trip you up…
Such as, “What if they’re carrying a clipboard with a list of all your registered guns on it?”
There are some cool tricks around this, but that deserves its own writing to give you the more “advanced” tactics for hiding your guns.
The important thing is to first create a “decoy” that you can use to throw them off the scent of the guns you truly will depend on for protecting yourself during the aftermath of a disaster or other crisis.
2 Responses
Milton went straight over our head just a few days ago. Thank you for informing those that forgot about the crime and murder committed after Karina in 2008 in New Orleans. The government did go house 2 house and seized lawful citizen “tools” of self-defense. FBI and NOPD reports show 3 elderly Black women were murdered – after the government seized their firearms. Never forget the lessons of history. Or the government planning on – never let a crisis go to waste.