Can Your Tactical Pen Put You In Prison For 12-27 Years?!

12-27 Years In Prison For “Defending Himself” With A Pen?! (Here’s What You Should Know…)

“His face showed no remorse…”

These were the words recounted to Lancaster County (PA) Judge Donald Totaro following the violent attack that unnecessarily escalated into a 3-on-1 fight that could have had a deadly ending.

“He punched me in my face, he continued to attack me and attack me. I remember that like it was two minutes ago.  He intended to hurt or kill us.

The man being charged held his fingers in his ears so he didn’t have to listen to the brutal story being told about his actions that fateful day.

But YOU should pay close attention to the details of this story because…

There Are Tactical Lessons To Be Learned Everywhere – IF You’re Able To Look At Both Sides Of An Attack – And…

The Reasons This Man Was Sentenced To 12-27 Years In Prison For “Defending Himself” Offer Some Life-Saving Lessons For The Self-Protected Warrior…

Tactical Pen Fight Story

It was a regular day turned nightmare in Farnum Park, Lancaster, PA.

Parents and their children were playing in the grassy open areas, enjoying the weather after a brutal winter – just the kind of activities that the city officials and police wanted to see in the family-friendly locations around town.

Brian Sanchez-Padilla
Photo: Lancaster PA police

Shortly after noon, Lancaster police officers Codi Herr, and her partner, Michael Deitz, were patrolling the area and came upon 25-year old Brian Sanchez-Padilla.

Brian was fast sleeping in a makeshift “camp” he’d built inside the park.

The city had been cracking down on homeless encampments that had begun to spring up in the local parks and he was clearly out of his element.

Officers Herr and Deitz woke him to discreetly ask that he pack up his belongings and leave the area.

But Brian wasn’t in the mood to comply…

The Officers Never Expected That A Routine Patrol Would End In A Violent Struggle, And That…

The Use Of A Simple Everyday “Tool” Would Send 3 Officers To The Hospital!

Brian Sanchez-Padilla quickly grew agitated at the officers.

They asked him politely asked him to leave…
He refused.
They wrote him a citation…
He crumpled it up.
They began to take him into custody…
He fought back!

Brian, fueled by synthetic drugs and defiance, unleashed a flurry of punches, slamming Officer Herr’s head repeatedly into the concrete.

Amidst the chaos, he quickly grabbed a pen and began repeatedly stabbing Officer Deitz in the face, stomach, and thigh – the pen sinking into flesh with each thrust.

As backup arrived, Brian kept fighting and it took multiple officers to get him detained and hauled off to jail, while three of the officers headed to the hospital for their wounds.

The scene was a stark reminder that violence does not discriminate and can escalate in any setting and scenario.

Even a Quiet Park On A Spring Sunday Afternoon Can Turn Into A “Battleground” Where Your Very Life Is On The Line – But…

The Lessons In This Violent Encounter Run FAR Deeper Than You Might Think…

While it may seem unusual to draw self-defense lessons from a criminal’s side of an attack, there’s undeniable value in examining the details of any confrontation – what works, what doesn’t, and the consequences.

Here are a few key factors you should never forget…

Everyday Scenarios Can Quickly Turn Dangerous

The tranquility of a local park with families enjoying themselves nearby certainly suggests “safety” and it’s easy to let your guard down in these types of places.

But this incident proves once again that violence can erupt anywhere.

Visual cues alone wouldn’t have revealed that Brian Sanchez-Padilla had a criminal history of violence… had been out of drug rehab for only a few days… and was high on synthetic marijuana while he lay sleeping.

A kind-hearted citizen offering a “down on his luck” homeless man could quickly discover just how fast a mentally-unstable addict and criminal can turn violent.

The “aware” Warrior doesn’t instantly assume the “best” in people… but rather, you should cautiously scan your environment and assume that an attack is going to happen, contemplating only “from where” and “who”.

You don’t have to be paranoid (and you don’t have to be an a**hole to people) but you do need to be conscious that evil lurks everywhere and be prepared for it.

Recognize The Hidden Legal Jeopardy In Your EDC “Tools”

Although the weapon here was “just a pen”, as you can see from the details of the attack – and especially the Padilla’s resulting prison sentence – even a pen will escalate any charges made against you.

If you do use one as a weapon, understand that you’ve greatly increased the severity of a charge, conviction, and sentence if you’re not “in the right”.

Striking someone with your fist may (depending on where you live) be a simple Misdemeanor charge – but as we see in Padilla’s case…

… but stick a pen in your hand and you could now be facing a Felony “Aggravated Assault” – and several years in prison!

As with any of your defensive training, always, always, ALWAYS include “legal defense” applications to integrate your skills with your ability to stay out of jail.

The Pen Can Be Mightier Than A Knife (Or Even A Gun!)

Most people don’t think of a pen – even a so-called “tactical pen” – as a “lethal weapon”.

They’re wrong.

In the right hands, a pen can be just as deadly as ANY other weapon!

This story clearly demonstrates how effective a simple pen can be as a force-multiplier when defending yourself… far more powerful than using your fists. 

Although we’re talking about a criminal using it here, this is, essentially, a “multiple attacker” scenario as it took several police officers to finally take Padilla into custody.

Had this been you (and not some stoned, violent criminal), multiple aggressors legally creates a clear “Disparity Of Force” application that almost automatically makes this a life-or-death scenario you’re facing!

This likely makes it perfectly justifiable for you to use your tactical pen to defend yourself as a “deadly weapon”

Always Be <Smartly> Armed

As I stated, even a quiet local park with families playing all around you can transform in an instant to the scene of a struggle for your life.

This is why the “Warrior-Ready” are always armed – with the knowledge, skills, mind-set, and “tools” needed – to take on a physical assault where the odds are not in your favor.


As  you’ve heard me say a million times…

…”You need to be tactical, but not look tactical”, right?

In other words, yes, you do want to carry the highest level of force-multiplier weapon you’re legally able to skillfully use to defend yourself – as well as any “back-up weapons”, such as a knife, flashlight, and/or a tactical pen…

… but you don’t want it to be obvious to those around you that you’re carrying ANY kind of weapon.

Their Discreet “Invisibility” And Power To Injure (Or Even Kill!) An Attacker Make “Tactical Pens” A Great EDC Self-Defense Weapon!

But This Is ALSO Their Downfall Because…

The Most Popular “Tacti-Cool” Pens On The Market SCREAM, “Look At Me – I’m A Weapon!”

Ask anyone who’s tried to slip a tactical pen past a TSA officer at the airport…

If your pen looks like a “tactical pen”, this is the fastest way to get your $40 “Black Ops Ink Assassin 9000” confiscated lickety-split.

And if a predatory criminal sees one clipped in your pocket, it’s a “tell” that you don’t want to broadcast.

In other words, your better off using a “tactical pen” that doesn’t LOOK like a “tactical pen”

That said, it still has to perform as a powerful weapon if you have to use it for self-defense – especially if you’re facing a larger, stronger attacker, or even multiple attackers in an assault.

There are a few tactical pens out there that are cleverly disguised as “regular” pens.

(Actually, I just picked one up that’s probably the most brilliantly “disguised” self-defense version I’ve seen in a looooong time…)

I’m a big fan of tactical pens as a back-up weapon – especially in “non-permissive environments” where my gun, knife, and other weapons aren’t allowed.

But the smart Warrior will never be recognized as having one.

What Other Lessons Can You Learn From This Attack… Or Advice You Have For Staying Vigilant In “Safe” Public Settings?

Please Share Your Observations And Tips For Your Fellow Warriors Below Now…

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