How To Stockpile Ammunition For Training & Long-Term Survival On A Budget (Podcast 465)
Does your “mountain” of ammo look more like a “mole hill”? Discover the insider secrets to stockpiling ammunition for training and long-term survival!
If you love AR’s, Glocks and freedom, then the Warrior Life podcast is for you! Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks – along with some of the world’s top experts – bring you “no B.S.” tips, tricks, and tactics you can put to use right away from on tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!
Does your “mountain” of ammo look more like a “mole hill”? Discover the insider secrets to stockpiling ammunition for training and long-term survival!
Getting started in long-range precision rifle shooting is MUCH easier than you think! Here’s how to get started even if you’re a total beginner…
The “secret” strikes to help you defeat an opponent no matter how high his pain threshold is in a real-life street fight!
Lisa Bedford AKA “The Survival Mom” shares some of her top secrets about how to prep for a food emergency.
Michael Cortina has developed a revolutionary new method of healing post-traumatic in a single one-hour session.
Florida gun instructor Ryan Thomas tells the gripping story of his encounter with a “jacked” road rager while walking with his young son.
It doesn’t matter how tough you are… if you don’t know these 10 “military grade” bugout secrets you’re going to be toast on a 100-mile march.
Your bugout bag is only as good as what’s inside it… it needs these 11 essential items if you want to have any chance to make it to safety.
Your bugout bag is your most essential piece of gear… but if it doesn’t have these 10 essential features, your journey can be a nightmare.
Carrying a gun is NOT enough. Maybe you can’t carry some places or maybe you just can’t get to your gun. You need a “less lethal” backup!
Most of the conventional wisdom about survival is TOTALLY WRONG and won’t work in a real-life survival situation. Here’s what to do instead.
Most of the conventional wisdom about survival is TOTALLY WRONG and won’t work in a real-life survival situation. Here’s what to do instead.
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